Archive 2019

My Blue Heaven (1927) (s)

Copyright 1927
Lyrics by George Whiting
Music by Walter Donaldson
File Created 3/31/2019
File Edited 10/29/2021

Text File Lyrics and Chords for All Instruments – My Blue Heaven

Bracketed Text File For Easy Editing for All Instruments – My Blue Heaven Download Zip File

Chords and Lyrics in PDF Format:

Sing and Play Along with Judy Muldawer

Sheet Music

Join the Facebook Group “Ukulele Music – Tin Pan Alley”

I’ve Got A Feeling I’m Falling (1929)

Music and Lyrics by Harry Link, Billy Rose and Fats Waller
Copyright 1929
File Created 08/19/2024

Text File Lyrics and Chords for All Instruments – I’ve Got a Feeling I’m Falling

Bracketed Text File For Easy Editing for All Instruments – I’ve Got a Feeling I’m Falling – Download Zip File

Chords and Lyrics in PDF Format:


Join the Facebook Group “Ukulele Music the Early 1900’s”


Am I Wasting My Time On You (1926) (s)

Lyrics and Music by Howard Johnson and Irving Bibo
Copyright 1926
File Created 3/27/19

Join the Facebook Group “Ukulele Music – the Early 1900’s”

View Text File Format – Am I Wasting My Time On You

Text File with Bracketed Chords for all instruments –  Am I Wasting My Time On You Download Zip File

PDF File Format with Ukulele Chord Shapes:

Watch the Nikos (Ukulele Nick) Voutsinas  Video:

Sheet Music

Nobody Cares If I’m Blue (D)

Copyright 1929
Music – Harry Akst
Lyrics – Grant Clarke
File Created 3/22/2019
FileEdited 4/14/2019

Text File Format –  Nobody Cares If I’m Blue (D)

Text File with Bracketed Chords for all instruments –  Nobody Cares If I’m Blue (D)Download Zip File

PDF File Format with Ukulele Chord Shapes:

Return to Main Page “Nobody Knows If I’m Blue”

Join the Facebook Group “Ukulele Music – the Early 1900’s”

Nobody Cares If I’m Blue (Bb)

Copyright 1929
Music – Harry Akst
Lyrics – Grant Clarke
File Created 03/22/2019
File Edited 4/4/14/2019

Text File Format –  Nobody Cares If I’m Blue (Bb)

Text File with Bracketed Chords for all instruments –  Nobody Cares If I’m Blue (Bb)Download Zip File

PDF File Format with Ukulele Chord Shapes:

Listen and Play Along to the Leon Redbone Recording in Bb

Return to Main Page “Nobody Knows If I’m Blue”

Join the Facebook Group “Ukulele Music – the Early 1900’s”

Nobody Cares If I’m Blue (F)

Music – Harry Akst
Lyrics – Grant Clarke

Text File Format – Nobody Cares If I’m Blue (F)

Text File with Bracketed Chords for all instruments – Nobody Cares If I’m Blue (F)Download Zip File

PDF File Format with Ukulele Chord Shapes:

Listen and Play Along to the Gene Austin Recording in the key of F

Return to Main Page “Nobody Knows If I’m Blue”

Join the Facebook Group “Ukulele Music – the Early 1900’s”

Nobody Cares If I’m Blue (1929)

Copyright 1929
Music – Harry Akst
Lyrics – Grant Clarke
File Created 3/22/19
File Edited 4/14/19

Version with 2 Verses in D

PDF File with Chord Shapes
Text File for all Instruments
Text File With Bracketed Chords for Easy Editing

Version with 2 Verses in Bb:

PDF File with Chord Names and Shapes
Text File for all Instruments
Text File With Bracketed Chords for Easy Editing
Watch and Play Along with the Leon Redbone Video in Bb

Version with 2 Verses in F 

PDF File with Chord Shapes
Text File for all Instruments
Text File With Bracketed Chords for Easy Editing
Link to Gene Austin Recording in F (Play Along with This)

Join the Facebook Group “Ukulele Music – the Early 1900’s”

Sheet Music