Three Little Fishies Lyrics by Josephine Carringer and Bernice Idins Key: G Music by Saxie Dowell Copyright 1939 Chords and Lyrics Provided by Judy Muldawer For Education Purposes Only Visit for Additional Songs Join Facebook's "Ukulele Music - the Early 1900's." File Created 09-02-2024 Verse 1: G G#dim Am7 D7 Down in the meadow in a little bitty pool G G#dim Am7 D7 Swam three little fishies and a mamma fishie too G G7 C C#dim "Swim" said the mamma fishie "Swim if you can" D7 C7 D7 G And they swam and they swam right over the dam. Chorus 1: G G#dim C7 D7 Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu! G G#dim C7 D7 Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu! G G7 C C#dim Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu! D7 C7 D7 G And they swam and they swam all over the dam. Verse 2: G G#dim Am7 D7 "Stop" said the mamma fishie "or you will get lost" G G#dim Am7 D7 But the 3 little fishies didn't want to be bossed G G7 C C#dim So the 3 little fishies went off on a spree D7 C7 D7 G And they swam and they swam right out to the sea. Chorus 2: G G#dim C7 D7 Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu! G G#dim C7 D7 Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu! G G7 C C#dim Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu! D7 C7 D7 G And they swam and they swam right out to the sea. Verse 3: G G#dim Am7 D7 "Whee" said the little fishes "here's a lot of fun G G#dim Am7 D7 We'll swim in the sea till the day is done" G G7 C C#dim So they swam and they swam and it was a lark D7 C7 D7 G Till all of a sudden they saw a shark! Chorus 3: G G#dim C7 D7 Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu! G G#dim C7 D7 Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu! G G7 C C#dim Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu! D7 C7 D7 G Till all of a sudden they saw a shark! Verse 4: G G#dim Am7 D7 "Help" cried the little fishies "Look at the whales!" G G#dim Am7 D7 And quick as they could, turned on their tails G G7 C C#dim And back to the pool in the meadow they swam D7 C7 D7 G And they swam and they swam back over the dam. Chorus 4: G G#dim C7 D7 Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu! G G#dim C7 D7 Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu! G G7 C C#dim Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu! D7 C7 D7 G And they swam and they swam back over the dam.